Algorithm, a word that is becoming more familiar to many as we hear more about the importance of computing education around the world. But what is algorithm and why should I care? Why must my children learn about it?
Algorithm (noun):
“ A finite set of steps to accomplish a task”
Algorithm in essence is simply a finite set of steps to accomplish a task. With well-defined sets of instructions, computers can do tremendous things that have made our lives easier,more organized and longer too! Have you ever wondered how Google search help you find information on any topic in the world in a matter of seconds? Or how you can send messages and emojis to someone wherever they are across the world through any of the messenger apps available today?
Algorithms! Sets of instructions that are repeatedly being run by network of computers have helped defined the modern living we all enjoy today. Check out the BBC Documentary “The Secret of Modern Living: Algorithms” (above), you will be amazed on how important algorithms have been for our lives.
Check out these classic algorithms and their impact to our daily lives:
- Sorting Algorithm (Quicksort, Bubblesort etc): Sorting packets of information in the Internet
- Page Rank Algorithm: Google Search Engine
- Stable Marriage Algorithm: Matching students with preferred universities or colleges. Matching donated organs with patients
Why must your children learn about them?
We cannot deny that technology has become a very significant part of our lives. We depend on it and for better or worse, technology has changed the way we work and the types of career children today can choose for their future. At Bright Future Labs, we believe that children need to learn or the very least aware about algorithms and their rules as early as possible.
Imagine this, you are given a task in the future to solve a fairly complex problem that involve large amount of data, you are provided with a computer and an access to the internet. Start! How do you begin? When you know how computer works and how to control it, any computer becomes a creative tool for all the challenges you face. And to begin knowing how computer works, you need to understand algorithm and its basic tricks.
Unfortunately, most school curriculum today, specifically in Indonesia, do not provide enough materials or knowledge on algorithm or computing in general. We are working closely with a number of educational institutions to change this. But for now, we would like to invite you to join our classes beginning with our introductory 5-weekly course Code Explorer: Beginner Coding for Kids.
About Code Explorer: Beginner Coding for Kids (Age 7-9)
The series Code Explorer: Beginner Coding for Kids is designed to spark interest of children into computing by applying fundamental concepts of computing to solving puzzles, creating interactive stories and games. At the end of the courses, children will be equipped with the ability to use Scratch express new ideas or concept interactively.
This course will help guide parents in using the right applications and technology that will help children to use their creativity to make and express themselves instead of just consuming technology.
Apps & Tools Used : Lightbot & Scratch Jr.
Scenes from previous classes
Skills learned:
- Understanding basic concept of Algorithm
- Storytelling using Scratch Jr.
- Create first games with Scratch Jr.
- Collaborate to create original stories or games